Standing in the Gap - Praying for the Sick
Standing in the Gap David Smith Standing in the Gap David Smith

Standing in the Gap - Praying for the Sick

It is true that not everyone we pray for receives healing in this life, and that is hard to understand, especially when we have prayed.

Still, God invites us to stand in the gap for those who are suffering from physical illness. And we can experience fullness in that standing whether the person is healed here on earth, or in the presence of God for eternity.

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Standing in the Gap
Standing in the Gap David Smith Standing in the Gap David Smith

Standing in the Gap

Conrad Huddleston, a friend of my dad’s, once told me, “David, I have asked God to allow me to take some of your Dad’s pain so that he might not have to carry so much.” He and my dad prayed together and shared one another’s burdens. I understand now that he was standing in the gap between my dad and God. He was praying for my dad and carrying Dad’s burdens to God.

Does anyone stand in the gap for you? Are you standing in the gap for someone? What does “standing in the gap” for someone mean? Read more in the first entry of a new blog series “Standing in the Gap.”

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