Standing in the Gap - Praying for the President

I Timothy 2:1 - 4

First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made on behalf of all people, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

I suspect that a few of you that read this blog today will struggle with what I am asking you to consider. I suspect that some of you will even want to put it away and find something else to read. However, before you do so, please allow me to say that what is written today is for your faith, your life before Christ, and for your encouragement. So here we go.

Are you praying for our President?

I can sense the tension already. First of all, depending upon your own political persuasion, you may be annoyed with this idea. For example, if you hold more to a “conservative” point of view, then you may be tempted to dismiss this altogether. On the other hand, if you tend toward a more “liberal” viewpoint then you may immediately be tuned in. This is all because of who is in the office of President today. Some of you are also upset because I asked if you are praying for “our President.” You may want to quickly dismiss me and say, “He is NOT my President,” or something like, “I didn’t vote for him,” or perhaps something with even stronger language to show your displeasure.

For a moment, though, I am asking you to keep reading and consider the challenge before us today. Let’s go back to the question: Are you praying for our President? At this date of publication, are you praying for President Biden?

For the last few weeks, I have asked you to take to heart the Biblical concept of “standing in the gap.” “Standing in the gap” means placing yourself between God and someone else. It is a concept found in the Old Testament, specifically in Ezekiel 22:30, “I searched for a man among them who would build up a wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.” God was going to bring destruction on His people. They had disobeyed and forgotten God, and His hand of judgment was right before them. And there was not even one person that would place themselves between God and the people. God was looking for someone to stand in the gap. There was no one to plead with God for the salvation of the people. No one would stand in the gap.

As Americans, we have deep convictions and we most often see these deep convictions on center stage during election seasons. We vote and campaign for the person or the party that best represents our deep convictions. By the way, I like our form of government, I like that we get to express our viewpoint. But something concerns me.

What concerns me is that as Christians we should have deeper convictions, deeper passions, and understand deeper truths from Scripture. And one of those deeper convictions is that we are to stand in the gap between God and our leaders, including our President. What I mean is this, we are to be praying for our President. So I ask you again - Are you praying for the President?

What should be our motive for praying for the President and for those in authority? Why should we do so? When the Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, this young pastor in the ministry, he calls Timothy to pray for kings and all who are in authority. But why? I believe this passage gives us three reasons and this is where I want to challenge you today.

Praying for the President Is Praying for the Person

In the first part of I Timothy 2:1 the Bible tells us to pray with “requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings.” All of these words point to us praying for the individual needs of another. When I sincerely pray for the President, I am removing my sense of political conviction or motivation and praying for the man or woman, a human being in God’s sight. In fact, I am taking that person’s needs before God. For example, I might be praying for the President’s wisdom, family, health, or protection. Praying with requests and intercessions helps me to focus on the person and their needs. Are you praying for the President as a human being? Are you praying for him as a person who, just like you and me, has hurts, fears, pain, and needs.

Praying for the President is Praying for Yourself

I Timothy 2:2 says that we are to pray for kings and those in authority, “so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” Praying for the President benefits me as a believer in Christ. Candidly, I see believers spewing words of anger, hatred, and even condemnation toward those in authority. I see way too many people who I know genuinely walk with Christ but display venomous words and actions toward those in political office. Now let me be clear, I am not speaking against good-hearted, solid debate. Truthfully, freedom of speech is a value afforded to us in our nation that we should not take for granted. And I do believe we are to stand for our convictions, especially when our convictions are for the good and protection of the innocent. But our Christian faith, which by the way, should always trump our political convictions, places holiness and godliness as a priority over freedom of speech. When I am praying for the President, I am praying for myself to have the freedom to live in quietness and tranquility, which are clearly marks of godliness.

Praying for the President is Praying Eternally

I Timothy 2:4 reminds us to keep the main thing, the main thing! According to vs. 4, God wants all people to be saved and to know truth - real truth! When I am praying for the President, I am to pray for his soul. I am to pray for his salvation. The theme of the Bible is very clear. It is that man is lost in sin, that sin has separated us from God, and that God has made a way to Himself through His own Son, Jesus. The theme of the Bible is not political or social. The theme is the salvation of those that would trust Jesus by faith and turn from sin. Salvation is and has always been the theme of the Bible. And it should always be the theme of the life of every Christ follower.

Today, would you stand in the gap for the President and for that matter, for all of our elected leaders? Would you pray for the President? Who knows what God might do through your prayers?!


Standing in the Gap - Praying for One Another


Standing in the Gap - Praying for Your Enemies