The Mighty Deeds of God: The Church
From 4 to WAY MORE!
The mighty deeds of God are still shown through His Church today!

The Mighty Deeds of God: Prisons and Hospitals
From a prison cell to a hospital room, God’s mighty deeds continue to be shown!

The Mighty Deeds of God: “Only God”
Have you had any “only God” moments in your life?
I bet you have. And so did the early church in Acts 2.

The Elect and The Election: Authority
How should a Christian behave if the candidate they vote for doesn’t win the election?

The Elect and the Election: The Christian’s Behavior
Are you tired of all the political rhetoric yet?
Whether you are tired, worried, or passionate about the upcoming election in our country, God’s Word calls us to behave excellently and maintain our witness for Christ to a lost world.
How can you do that?

The Elect and The Election
How should the elect behave during the election?
Should a Christian vote? Should a Christian be active in the political process? What if we disagree with a fellow-believer on a candidate or party? How do we portray the character of Christ when we are faced with opposition?

Everyday Christian Living: Start Today!
What occupies your mind during downtime? Scrolling? Worry? Fear? Politics?
Make the most of your thought life by thinking on the Word of God and you'll find that your downtime becomes time that lifts your spirit, brings hope, and draws you closer to Jesus!

Everyday Christian Living: Return
What does washing dishes have to do with serving God?
I Corinthians 10 reminds us to glorify God in everything we do - including the spectacular, the routine, and the mundane tasks in life!

Everyday Christian Living: Resolve
What is it? And why do you need it as a Christian?

Everyday Christian Living: Respond
Have you said YES to God?
It's not too late! You can say "yes" today!

Everyday Christian Living: Renew and Remember
Do you want to know the will of God for your life?
Begin renewing your mind and remembering your Savior. You can start today!

Everyday Christian Living: Resist and Run
How can you avoid being overcome by the attacks of the devil, your enemy?
Start playing defense!

Everyday Christian Living: Repent and Rely
Do you need to make a U-turn in life?
If you are struggling to walk in freedom each day, maybe you need to turn around and go the other way!

Everyday Christian Living: Receive and Rest
Are you a control freak (like me)?
I have trouble letting go. I am always trying to make all things work out the way I desire.
It's easy to live for Christ when blessings that we see as good things come our way. But how can we do this when blessings from God take me down a road that doesn't line up with my hopes and dreams?

Everyday Christian Living: Reflect & Rejoice
Take some time to reflect on what happened in your life yesterday.
What blessings from yesterday are you thankful for?

Everyday Christian Living
Christians look forward to heaven in the sweet by and by.
But how are we to live in the nasty now and now?

Real Joy in Tough Times: Run the Race
How are JOY and RUNNING related?
When a runner has his eyes on the prize ahead of him, the motivation to endure the struggles of the race becomes …. you guessed it - JOY!

Real Joy in Tough Times: Good Medicine
Did you know that JOY is the best medicine?
God’s JOY in your heart is healing and strength for YOU, and for the people around you!

Real Joy in Tough Times: And So Much More
Have you ever been so joyful that it was hard to express how you feel?
The gift of salvation gives us THAT kind of joy!