“Every pastor needs someone he can dream with, pray with, talk with and work with. David Smith is a pastor’s best friend – confidential, experienced, and professional. He has a lifetime of ministry experience and proven results.”
- Thomas Hammond, Executive Director, Georgia Baptist Mission Board
Why are so many pastors leaving the ministry today?
The call to serve as a pastor is a holy calling, but can feel like a heavy calling at times. Some days are filled with joy, excitement and vision. And some are filled with fear, anxiety and discouragement. Regardless of what a day brings, a pastor needs a friend, advisor and confidant. In short, a pastor needs a pastor.
With whom does a pastor share his ideas about the ministry?
Where does a pastor go when he needs to download his vision?
With whom does a pastor share his challenges and discouragements?
Where does a pastor go when he is stuck in his ministry and needs renewal?
My heart is to encourage and strengthen pastors! My heart is to come alongside and be your pastor when you need a pastor.
I have loved Jesus and His church for as long as I can remember. I learned about Jesus as a little boy in the church and He saved me as a young child. I am grateful that my family and the church were there to guide me in my faith and, especially in my teenage years, help me grow in my relationship with Him. Because of God’s gift of salvation, my heart has always strived to achieve what the Bible tells us in
I Corinthians 10:31, “Whether then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”• When my dad struggled with chronic illness and eventually passed away, the church was there for our family.
• When my mom had cancer, the church came to help.
• When financial difficulties hit our family in my childhood, the church came alongside my parents.
• When my grandmother was on her deathbed, the church and our pastor came to her side and led her to make a profession of faith.
• When I married my wife, Gina, the church prayed for our future.
• When our children were born, we raised them in the church.
• And, when I sensed the Holy Spirit’s call to vocational ministry at age 15, the church was the center of that calling. This was a calling I readily embraced then, and it is a call that still thrills me today!
I have loved and served the local church for over 35 years. Positions have changed through the seasons and have included Student Pastor, Children’s Pastor, Pastor, Young Married Pastor, Discipleship Pastor, and Executive Pastor. One thing has never changed and that is my calling to the local church. I love the Bride of Christ, the church, and am grateful that God has used me and continues today to use me in the local church.
Not only do I love Jesus and the church, I love the Word of God. It is from the Word of God that the church finds its identity and mission. And it is the Word of God that has encouraged me in days when ministry was difficult and challenging.
In Titus 1:5 the Bible tells how Paul directs Titus to “set in order what remains.” It was there on the island of Crete that Paul and Titus together shared the gospel of Jesus, yet the time had come for Paul to leave. However, there was still much work to be done. Paul stresses how important it is for Titus to “set in order what remains.” This verse resonates deeply with me and is the basis for much of my life’s ministry calling.
My desire is to come alongside the Pastor, the staff and the lay leaders in a relationship, not simply a contract, to broaden and to strengthen the work of Jesus in His church.
Pastor, the stress that you face in ministry has eternal consequences. Often you simply need someone to help you think through the plays you are calling. In a coaching relationship, my heart is to support, encourage, and strengthen you personally, and to work together to clarify vision and the steps forward to execute that vision.
A consulting relationship would broaden the scope of impact for your church and could include assisting staff , lay leader teams and special ministry groups by assessing, strategizing, planning, organizing and developing ministry plans.
In these relationships, we will always keep the Word of God as our lamp for direction, clarity and truth. God’s Word as our foundation for vision, growth and implementation is pivotal to “set things in order” for a Biblical ministry in the local church.
“David Smith is, hands down, the most well-rounded Pastor I have had the pleasure of working alongside. He has the wisdom, knowledge, and experience all leaders need to be successful. In addition to being a Godly man, David is a teacher, patient, caring, always shows appreciation and is wonderful in developing relationships with people of all ages. He is truly the best boss I have experienced in my career.”
-Carol Knies, HR Director, Alpharetta First Baptist Church -
Having served now for over 35 years in many different areas of ministry, I have come to understand the personal and practical nature of my ministry calling.
-Provide Stability for the Teaching and Preaching Ministry of the Pastor
-Preach the Truth of God's Word with the teaching gifts God has entrusted to me
-Preserve Unity in the Body of Christ, the Church
-Protect the Doctrinal Integrity of Scripture and the Calling of Pastoral Leadership
-Prepare the Church to Carry Out the Great Commission
-Plan for Development, Implementation and Communication of the Church's Vision
-Produce a Relevant and Effective Ministry Plan
-Practice Faithful Stewardship of the Church's Operational Resources
-Promote Atmosphere of Excellence, Creativity, Accountability, Service, Faith and Joy
-Pass Along the Ministry to Other Faithful Men
Alpharetta First Baptist Church, GA
Executive PastorRed Bank Baptist Church, TN
Senior Associate PastorFirst Baptist Church Senatobia, MS
PastorAloma Church, FL
Provisional Executive PastorGermantown Baptist Church, TN
Interim Staff Coordinator, Adult MinisterBellevue Baptist Church, TN
Minister of Program AdministrationLooxahoma Baptist Church, MS
PastorFirst Baptist Church Mertens, TX
PastorBoulevard Baptist Church, TN
Student and Children’s PastorColonial Baptist Church, TN
Student and Recreation PastorSouthwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, TX
Masters of DivinityUnion University, TN
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology and Religion
Meet my family.
Gina and I have been married for 35 years, and we have 2 adult children and 6 grandchildren. We love being called “Gigi and Geezer” by all our precious littles and are blessed that their parents are leading them to love Jesus.
The Wilsons
Our daughter, Anna, and her husband, Nate, live in Indiana with three of our grands.
The Smiths
Our son, Will, and his wife, Kaitlin, live in Georgia with three of our grands.
“David and his wife, Gina, have invested their lives in serving the local church and community. They lead their family well and are passionate about lifting high the name of Jesus. Some of the greatest days of my personal ministry have been serving alongside the Smiths. I’m humbled and grateful to count them as friends.”
-Myles Chatham, Creative Worship Pastor, Alpharetta First Baptist Church