Standing in the Gap

Ezekiel 22:30

I searched for a man among them who would build up a wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.

If you have read any of my previous blogs, especially the ones about my dad, then you will know some of the challenges we faced with Dad’s health issues. Dad was a hemophiliac and with that blood disorder came an extraordinary number of other health issues. You can go back and read the blog series Breaking the Cycle of Unbelief if you want to know more. For now, let me simply say that Dad dealt with incredible health issues and everyone around us knew it.

One particular friend of my dad’s was Conrad Huddleston. Mr. Huddleston visited Dad at home, prayed for and with Dad, encouraged Dad, and was a great friend. On one occasion, Mr. Huddleston pulled me aside to let me know that I could call on him if I or if Dad needed something. And then he said something I have never forgotten. He said, “David, I have asked God to allow me to take some of your Dad’s pain so that he might not have to carry so much.” Can you imagine the magnitude of that statement on me as a teenager? I was overwhelmed by Mr. Huddleston and here I am, 40+ years later, still remembering that statement.

Mr. Huddleston told me that he was standing in the gap between my dad and God. He was praying for my dad and carrying Dad’s burdens to God.

The idea of standing in the gap goes back to the Old Testament. According to Psalm 106:23, Moses stood in the gap between God and the children of Israel. Ezekiel 22:30 uses the actual phrase “standing in the gap” when describing how God was looking for someone to stand between God and Israel when Israel was disobedient. In these cases, the phrase points to disobedience and the need for someone to stand in the gap between God and someone else to limit or delay God's punishment.

In the New Testament, we also find examples of people that stood in the gap on behalf of someone else. I Timothy 2:1 tells us of the importance of standing in the gap by praying for others. “First of all, then I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men.” We have been given the opportunity to stand in the gap for others. And we can do so by praying specifically for others, taking their burdens and requests to God. And we can stand in the gap by asking God how we can help with those burdens.

Today begins a new blog series entitled Standing in the Gap. I keep a “standing in the gap” prayer journal that contains people and their circumstances and challenges. On their behalf, I am standing in the gap.

I hope you will join me in reading this blog series and, perhaps, be encouraged to stand in the gap for others in your life.

Today, I want to re-introduce you to Middle Valley Baptist Church in Hixson, Tennessee. I first became acquainted with MVBC in September of 2022 when I was asked to preach one Sunday for them. What I learned about that church on that first visit was amazing. I learned they were grieving. First of all, COVID hit this church hard and, like so many other churches, they struggled to rebound from the pandemic. However, they were grieving for another reason. They had recently lost their Pastor, Mickey Bane after a long battle with cancer.

This church deeply loves Pastor Mickey Bane and his family. In fact, they stood with Pastor Mickey to the very end, and still stand with his wife and his family. Pastor Mickey led this church so well. He shepherded with integrity and authenticity. He faithfully taught the Word of God, shared the Gospel, and guided the church. By the time I became the Transitional Pastor, Pastor Mickey had entered Glory and the church family was grieving.

But not only were they left to grieve, they were left with a decision about their future. That decision could mean closing the doors of ministry or continuing to move forward with hopes they could survive. They have a deep love for God’s Word, a genuine sweetness in their fellowship, and a burning passion to see lost people saved. For the last seven months, I have been standing in the gap before God on behalf of MVBC.

And so two weeks ago, after seven months of praying, teaching and preaching, and researching, the church decided to move ahead as a replant. That will mean a new pastor, new methods, new strategies, new leadership, and a new vision. It will require uncomfortable change. Yet the minds of the people are focused on God’s work for this growing community. I count it a blessing and privilege to stand in the gap for Middle Valley Baptist Church. While the road ahead is an uphill climb, the possibilities are endless. And with God, all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” I am praying, standing in the gap, for MVBC to make a lasting impact in the Kingdom of God for the glory of God alone!

Before I close today, I have two questions for you. One, would you join me in standing in the gap for Middle Valley? I promise it is a prayer investment worth your time.

Second, who or what in your life are you standing in the gap on behalf of? Let me know and I will join you!


Standing in the Gap - Praying for Your Enemies


Guarding the Landmarks: Victory and Freedom