Always Faithful: Our Ever Faithful God
When King David reflected on his life, he too, remembered that God is always faithful! Have you reflected on the faithfulness of God in your life lately?

Always Faithful: Why Do We Worry?
Is God faithful when a young man is filled with worry over his future?
He is.

Always Faithful: Who, Me?
Is God faithful to a young pastor who questions if he is up to the task God is calling him to fulfill?
He is.

Always Faithful: A New Creation
Is God faithful to take a grieving young woman from Michigan all the way to Tennessee to encounter Christ personally and begin healing?
He is.

Always Faithful: A New Adventure
Is God faithful when a pastor says “yes” to the Lord not knowing exactly what is ahead?
He is.

Always Faithful: Great Strength. Bright Hope.
Is God faithful through widowhood? Twice?
He is!

Always Faithful: Out of Money. Out of Energy.
Is God faithful when a church faces closings its doors?
He is.

Always Faithful: Double Heartache. Multiplied Comfort.
Is God faithful when a young couple must plan a funeral for two babies?
He is.
You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress. Psalm 59:16b

Always Faithful: The Car Wreck
Is God faithful through a 10-year-old girl’s scars from a car wreck?
He is.
“His faithfulness is a shield and a wall.” Psalm 91:4b

Always Faithful: Stories of God’s Faithfulness
What does diagramming sentences have to do with the story God is writing for your life?