Always Faithful: Who, Me?

Exodus 3:10-11

“And now come, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”

Have you ever asked God the question, “Who, me?” I suspect at some time or another all of us have sensed God leading us to something new, something we never experienced before, something for which we had not prepared. That is what happened to Moses. God spoke through the miracle of the burning bush and called Moses to do something unexpected (for Moses):  free the children of Israel from the slavery of Egypt. Let’s be clear, this is not something Moses had on his radar screen as we can see by his answer to the Lord, “Who am I?” Yet God was faithful and worked through Moses to do just what he asked. Read Exodus 3 and the following chapters for the full story.

It is a story of God’s faithfulness even when we are uncertain of ourselves. Today I want to introduce you to my pastor and friend and his story of God’s faithfulness. Meet Pastor Chris Harrington. Chris is the Pastor of GracePoint Church here in Cherokee County, GA, and Emily, his wife, is a middle-school teacher in the North Atlanta area. I first met Chris about six years ago. The church I served at the time was given a piece of property and a church building. That congregation had dwindled to a handful of people and decided to close the doors. However, those few remaining members wanted to see the church building and land in the hands of a thriving church that might start another church.

And that is exactly what happened. Once we received the deed of the church property, we set out to start GracePoint Church; however there was something very important for us to identify, that is the person that would be the pastor of this new church plant. Chris’ resume came across my desk and at the encouragement of one of our leadership team members, we took a second look at his resume. After a time of prayer, Chris and I met for lunch and I realized there was something special about this young man. It didn’t take long for me to see that Chris was the one that God was leading to pastor GracePoint Church.

However, just because I was convinced, that doesn’t mean Chris was convinced. In fact, Chris had more doubts and questions about starting a church and whether or not that was for him. At that time Chris was already pastoring a church in the midtown Atlanta area. He had faithfully served the church and, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, that church had made several steps forward. Chris wasn’t sure it was time to leave but more importantly, he wasn’t sure about starting a church. Those of us at the home church had cast the vision, prepared the groundwork for the new church, and were ready to call Chris to come and start the church. And then the phone call came. Chris called to let me know he wanted to say no, that he just wasn’t sure that starting a church was for him. In my mind, I could hear Chris asking, “Who me, Lord?”

After spending time with Chris, I could see that Chris was exactly what the community needed: a pastor who would lead humbly, a pastor who would teach the Bible faithfully, and a pastor who would share the Gospel clearly and boldly. I was convinced that Chris was the man but I knew Chris needed a Word from God - and a step of faith.  After much prayer and listening to God, Chris and Emily believed that God was calling them to this new journey.  As the Holy Spirit moved in their hearts, Chris said “yes” to the calling, and, as they say, the rest is history! 

Let me fast forward a few years to today. Chris is the pastor of GracePoint Church. He planted the church at the very beginning and has pastored the church now for 5+ years. And yes, that means he pastored the church through the pandemic. And don’t miss this next statement. Every Sunday Chris makes a big deal about Jesus

Today GracePoint is exploding! The church celebrated its 5th anniversary. People are being saved and growing in their walk with Christ and new guests are attending each week. The Bible study ministry of the church is expanding, the church has purchased property and the church is developing a long-range ministry and master plan. Gina and I have the joy of being members of this church and calling Chris our pastor. Above all else, I am grateful for the faithful way Chris handles the Word of God and gently shepherds the GracePoint family.

Each Sunday as I participate in worship and the ministry of the Word, I remember that conversation with Chris. I am so grateful Chris moved from “Who me, Lord?, to “Yes, me, Lord!” Chris and Emily have seen the faithfulness of God over this ministry and their family. 

What has God revealed to you that you are hesitant to receive? Are you saying “Who, me, Lord?” Are you struggling with concerns or even doubt? Our God is faithful and I encourage you to say “Yes, Lord” to whatever God asks you to do!


Always Faithful: Why Do We Worry?


Always Faithful: A New Creation