The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Telling Others
The shepherds in Luke 2 could not stop themselves from sharing with others about the birth of Jesus!
As you head into 2024, how can you intentionally share the most wonderful Savior who makes this the most wonderful time of the year with others?

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: His Name
How do the names of Jesus make a difference in your life?
Knowing the names of Jesus, especially at Christmastime, can impact your posture for enjoying the season as the most wonderful time of the year.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Burdens
Are you carrying a heavy burden this Christmas?
Did you know that Mary, the mother of Jesus, also faced carrying a heavy burden at the first Christmas? How did she move forward as the mother of the Son of God with such responsibility and questions about the future?
The same way that you and I can walk through this season, and every other season of life: by rolling our burdens on to Jesus - the One who cares for us!

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Peace
Are you experiencing peace today?
If not, this season may not feel like “the most wonderful time of the year.”
You CAN find peace through any storm in life - headlines, tragedies, heartache, loss, pain - because God took a giant step toward us when He sent His son as a baby to be our Prince of Peace.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Is it really the most wonderful time of the year for everyone?
When Mary and Joseph first heard the news that Jesus was going to be born, I suspect their first thought was not “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”
It may seem like their lives were turned upside-down - but really, their lives were turned right-side up!