The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Telling Others

Luke 2:17

When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child.

When you take the time to read the Christmas story there are some things that are simply undeniable. It is simply undeniable that God took a giant step toward humanity by taking on human flesh and coming in the form of a man to pay the price of sin. Yes, at Easter, Jesus did for us what we could not do for ourselves. And it all started with Christmas when God took on human flesh. It is undeniable that God took a huge step toward us.

It is also undeniable that Jesus’ birth was a true revelation of God’s sovereignty. We see the sovereignty of God in the virgin birth, the road trip to Bethlehem, the fulfilled prophecies, the coming of the wise men, and the angelic appearance to the shepherds. God’s sovereignty is seen throughout the birth of Jesus.

All of these things and so much more, make the Christmas season the most wonderful time of the year!

But there is something else about the Christmas message that we MUST see and MUST follow. The Bible says in Luke 2:17, “When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child.” These shepherds, having seen Jesus, became the first missionaries and took what they had seen and made it known. They must have realized that this really was the most wonderful time of the year and they must have realized that others needed to know of the coming of the savior.

The Christian life is to be lived with two primary responsibilities we have as followers of Christ.

Grow Up

First, we are to grow up in our faith. We are to grow, learn, and mature in our faith. We are to study God’s Word, apply God’s Word, and obey God’s Word so that we can grow up!

Grow Out

Second, we are to grow out. The Christ life is never to be lived with our eyes focused inward. It is to be lived with our eyes focused on a lost word that needs to know that a Savior has been born.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I hope this has been the most wonderful time of your year. But before we sign off for 2023, can I remind you of a responsibility that we, as followers of Christ, have been given? We are responsible for helping others experience the most wonderful time of the year. And we can do that by letting our neighbors, our friends, our family, and everyone we encounter know that a Savior has been born. Keep your eyes open in the days ahead for people in your path who might not know Jesus - someone at the grocery store, at the office, or just someone waiting in line.

I can’t think of a better way to end 2023 and begin 2024 - telling someone that Jesus loves them, that Jesus paid the price of their sin, and that by trusting Jesus alone, they can be saved. Let’s make this the most wonderful time of the year for someone who needs to know Jesus.

Have a great New Year and I look forward to hearing from you as you share the most wonderful time of the year with those around you!


Always Faithful: Stories of God’s Faithfulness


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: His Name