Revival Fire: Walking in Revival
Walking in the Spirit is a vital part of spiritual revival taking root and continuing in our lives, our churches and our nation.
But the flesh, our old nature, tries to slow us down, trip us up, and cause us to stumble.
How can we strengthen walking in the Spirit, and weaken our walking in the flesh?

Revival Fire: Living in the Revival Spirit
Do you ever experience dry times in your spiritual walk? Times when it is difficult to pray? To read His Word? Maybe even to be in church where others are worshiping freely and with joy?
Even though we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when we are saved, we must be filled with the Spirit daily in order to live with consistent joy and peace.

Revival Fire: Breaking the Power of Sin
Revival begs us to break free from our sin and embrace holiness.
We can break free from apathy, indifference, faithlessness, impurity, and compromise in our lives, our churches, and our country by seeking the holiness of God.
How can we live in holiness and freedom from the power of sin?

Revival Fire: The Reviving Power of God’s Word
Historically, when our country experiences revival, Bible sales skyrocket!
When God’s Spirit moves uniquely, people become hungry for God’s Word, and as a result, chains of bondage are broken, rebellion is shaken, pride is driven out, confession becomes the norm, and the Word of God is held in high esteem.
Are we there yet?

Revival Fire: The First Step - Pray
Is the revival at Asbury University the “real thing?” How would we know?
What is revival, anyway? And how does it ignite and stay burning?
Join me in a new blog series, and let’s begin praying, asking God to begin a revival in our world, our country, our churches…and in each of us.