Revival Fire: Living in the Revival Spirit

Ephesians 5:17-18

So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit…"

For the last several weeks we have been thinking about the impact and importance of the Word of God and personal confession as a part of experiencing revival.

Today, let’s consider the importance of the Holy Spirit in revival. Often, when we speak of revival, we speak of a unique and special moving of God’s Spirit. Perhaps you have read of the great revivals, often referred to as Awakenings, in the 18th and 19th centuries. People were impacted with the power and unique presence of the Holy Spirit, dead churches showing signs of life again, sin openly confessed, and relationships restored. Many of us are praying for this unique moving of God’s Spirit related to the revival news coming from Asbury University, and in our churches, nation and world today.

But there is another part of revival we need to consider.  Ephesians 5:18 instructs us to be “filled with the Spirit.” 

What does it mean to be “filled with the Holy Spirit?” Before we answer that question, let’s be sure we know what it does NOT mean.

Being filled with God’s Spirit is NOT the same as being indwelled by the Spirit. 

At the  moment we are saved, God’s Spirit takes up residence inside of us. He indwells us forever. As a result of His indwelling, we are given new birth. In addition to His indwelling work, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. That means that our salvation is forever secured by the Holy Spirit, never to be lost. It also means we are baptized by the Holy Spirit, making us forever a part of God’s church. There are many other blessings that come from being indwelled by God’s Spirit including special God given abilities to serve Jesus and His church called spiritual gifts. 

And all of this occurs once, and only once - at the very moment of salvation. And since none of these things can be lost by the Holy Spirit, they are forever kept by the Spirit. We receive them when we are saved, and they can never be lost.

So what is meant by the “filling of the Spirit?” Do you ever think of your spiritual life as dry or even perhaps, tired? Do you ever find yourself holding on to personal sin or neglecting your time in God’s Word or neglecting times of prayer? I know I sure have.

This is the difference between indwelling and filling. Indwelling is once and permanent, but filling is moment by moment living in the joy, blessing and strength of the Holy Spirit.

To be filled by God’s Spirit means to be controlled by God’s Spirit, and while that clearly is the work of the Holy Spirit, it requires us to live in daily submission to Him.

And it is in this blessing that we can live in the spirit of revival. To be honest with you, we would not need these special revival times in which God’s Spirit uniquely moves if we, God’s church, lived each day filled with the Holy Spirit.

How can you and I be filled with the Spirit?

Begin each day with God’s Spirit.

Pray and confess your sin. Seek His cleansing and surrender to His will. Ask Him to empty you of your own way, and fill you with Him.

Make time to allow God’s Word to get in your heart. 

Read God’s Word, study His Word, pray His Word, meditate on God’s Word, and prepare your mind to receive His Word. 

Make praise, faith, joy, patience part of your daily routine.

Each day for the next week, would you commit with me to wake up and look up? Empty yourself of “you,” and ask God to fill you with His Spirit, overflowing to all the ones around you.  This kind of surrender gives way to revival, and that spark of revival can light a fire that cannot be quenched.

If there is any way I can be praying for you, please reach out to me at

Next week, we will talk about walking in the Spirit. In the meantime, be filled. 


Revival Fire: Walking in Revival


Revival Fire: Breaking the Power of Sin