What We Can Do
Philippians 1:12
“And I want you to know, my dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News.”
Have you ever heard the statement, “it is what it is”? Dictionary.com describes it as “an expression used to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that a person believes cannot be changed and must just be accepted.”
Many years ago a pastor friend expressed that he didn’t appreciate this phrase. In fact, he adamantly resisted the thought. Instead of “it is what it is” he prefers to believe “it is what we make it to be.” I resonated with what he said then, and even more so today.
To say the last two years have been “frustrating or challenging” would be an understatement. The pandemic has caused many churches to suspend, restart, and in some cases, re-suspend gathering. Many, especially pastors, have felt helpless, and maybe used the phrase “it is what it is” at times. Other challenges for the church involve racial and political tensions, challenged parental involvement in schools, rising inflation, a weakened economy, intense social matters, complex judicial matters, increased suicide and depression - the list is endless.
And perhaps, out of uncertainty, many believers and pastors are left with the idea that it is what it is and we can do nothing. But that could not be further from the truth. In fact, the Bible is full of people who took circumstances far less than desirable and turned them into victory through their faith in Jesus.
Consider what the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 1:12, “And I want you to know, my dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News.” Paul wrote this during his Roman imprisonment likely chained to a Roman guard. These were not the circumstances he had hoped for as a called minister of the gospel, but God was still at work. In fact, part of that work included people coming to Christ and the whole palace guard being aware of his faith in Christ. There was no “it is what it is” ideology in Paul. Instead there was faith. Faith that God was at work and that God still had a mighty plan.
So the question is: “What can we do?” or more importantly, “What can YOU do?” Over the next few weeks, we will explore what we can do as we move into 2022. (Be sure to sign up at the bottom of the page to be notified when the article is posted.)
Difficulties in life will come, but this is not time for us to “hold the fort.” It is time for us to “take the hill.” And we can do that by faith. God has a great plan. Let’s dispense with “it is what it is” and embrace the faith to “make it what it can be” by doing what we can do…and we can do much!!!