New Beginnings (Part 4)
Philippians 3:16
"…let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained.”
Just over a year ago, at the end of 2020, my wife and I set out on a new adventure to reclaim our health. This was long overdue for me, and I needed Gina’s encouragement to help me. Over the years, we allowed stress, time and other priorities to get in the way of taking care of our bodies. Today, just one year later, we feel awesome! I have lost 120+ pounds. Gina has lost over 50 pounds as we have made our physical health a priority.
And the benefits are not limited to weight loss. Our doctors have given permission to stop taking some medications, we have increased stamina (went to Disney with 6 grandkids!) and are now building strength! I can’t tell you how grateful I am for Gina getting us started, for our coach guiding us monthly, and for family and friends who have encouraged us along the way. Mostly, I am thankful to the Holy Spirit for His conviction and empowerment to renew stewardship for this temple.
You may be asking like so many have, “How did you do it?” With our coach’s guidance, we implemented lots of changes to our habits and routines, and the transformation was life-changing. As we approached the beginning of this new year, our health goals center more around continuing our journey to stay healthy and maintaining those new habits and routines. We sought advice from our health coach and her words were profound: “Keep doing what you have been doing”. In other words, we just need to keep living by the same standards we set last year. And little by little, day by day, our health will continue to improve!
The same is true spiritually. In Philippians 3:16 God’s Word says, “let us keep living by that same standard to which we have attained.” It is God’s grace through faith that saves us, and this same grace and faith is how we practically live out our lives each day. Since salvation has overwhelmed us, why would we ever attempt to live in our own power and strength? God’s plan is the faith life; it is a life of trust, surrender, obedience, confidence and hope. None of those come from human instinct and personal will. It takes walking by faith and trusting in God’s plan. That is our standard.
I’m sure you and I will face some challenging decisions and opportunities ahead of us. This year will bring ups and downs, mountains and valleys, joys and defeats. Regardless of what comes our way, let’s trust, obey, wait and surrender for the glory of Jesus Christ. Whether you need to make some changes in your spiritual habits and routines, or you’ve established those already and desire to continue in them, let’s just keep living by the same standard: faith in our Lord Jesus.
And so the 2022 journey begins! I pray that you will allow Philippians 3:12 – 16 to guide you on your journey in Christ.
Scriptures for the journey: I Corinthians 9:24 – 27, Hebrews 12:1 – 3, Hebrews 12: 12 - 17