What is Easter really about?

Romans 5:6

For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.

Easter is one of my favorite times of the year. Yes, I love the springtime and yes, I love the milder temperatures. But Easter is more than budding trees and being outdoors. Yes, I enjoy hiding Easter eggs for my grandkids and yes, I love Reese’s Easter Eggs (a little too much). But Easter is more than egg hunts and chocolate. I love Easter for what it means and I love Easter for the message it brings. Let me show you through a few phrases from Romans 5:6 - 11.

“Christ died for the ungodly” Romans 5:6

Jesus did not die to make good people better. The cross of Jesus Christ was not for well-meaning people to grow and become exceptional. The death of Jesus was not for people who needed a little boost. According to this verse, the death of Jesus was for the “ungodly.” Who is that? Me, you, and every single person on the planet. There is no such thing as a good person, no such thing as a well-meaning person - in and of ourselves. There really are only two kinds of people: the godly and the ungodly.

“while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8

The message is clear. The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus occurred because we are sinners. To be a sinner means we have acted violently against God. To be a sinner means we have missed the standard of holiness and righteousness set by God. To be a sinner means we are enemies of God. And according to God’s Word, we are sinners both by birth and by choice. We are sinners in need of a Savior. And so, Jesus' death was for His enemies - sinners like you and me.

“we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him” Romans 5:9

Before a person is saved, he is on a road that leads to the wrath of God, a path toward destruction and punishment. To save us from that path, Jesus shed His blood for us. He died an awful death. He was bruised, beaten, and broken for our sin. Yet it was His blood that gave us a new pathway - a pathway to LIFE! Salvation, which we so wonderfully celebrate at Easter, is available because God’s wrath has been satisfied through the life and work of Jesus.

“we shall be saved by His life” Romans 5:10

Easter is not only the celebration of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, but it is also the celebration of the perfect, sinless life of Jesus. Let me ask you a question, who is the best person you know? This is not a trick question. Think about it. Who is the best person you know? Gina, my wife is the best person I know. And I have a few others in mind. But let’s be honest, even the best people we know are still far from the perfect life of Jesus. Jesus’ life was lived without sin, without shame, and without guilt. The only time Jesus had any of these was when He was hanging on the cross bearing in His body, our sin, shame, and guilt. Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ life-his perfect life!

“but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation” Romans 5:11.

The cross and the empty tomb shout to us that we can be reconciled to God. (And we need reconciliation because sin separates us from God.) Reconciliation does. not come through our goodness, not through our “better choices,” and not through our perceived value. We are reconciled to God through Christ alone.

As we move closer to Easter I encourage you to praise God! While we were sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6.) And when you walk into church on Easter morning, your heart can already be prepared to join others in worshiping our God who gave us life for death!

And speaking of Easter morning and church, I have a challenge for you. Consider inviting someone to go to church on Easter Sunday with you. Every person needs Jesus and MANY are searching for meaning to life in this confusing world. Easter is a perfect time to look for others who, like you and me, need LIFE in Jesus, and love them enough to invite them to join you!


Easter: A Time to Strengthen Your Heart


Always Faithful: Our Ever Faithful God