Standing Near the Cross: Anna Smith Wilson

Luke 2:37 - 38

She never left the Temple but stayed there day and night, worshiping God with fasting and prayer. She came along just as Simeon was talking with Mary and Joseph, and she began praising God. She talked about the child to everyone who had been waiting expectantly for God to rescue Jerusalem.

Many years ago, when we discovered that Gina was expecting a little girl, we began to discuss baby names. Like most young couples, we considered family names as well as some of the popular names of the day. And eventually, we landed on the name “Anna.” We chose to name her after Anna that is found in Luke 2 in the Bible. (One of our first dates at a restaurant called Annabelles in Memphis, which was also a fun “happy accident.”)

In Luke 2, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to dedicate Him and they met two people. The first was Simeon who was looking for the coming of the Messiah. And the second was Anna. There are several things in the Luke passage of scripture about Anna and I would strongly encourage you to read about her. Gina and I were struck by Anna’s faithfulness to God, devoting herself day and night to serving in the temple, and we decided this was our prayer for and the perfect name for our daughter..

And with that, let me reintroduce you to Anna Wilson, our daughter. Anna is a faithful servant of God, a faithful daughter to us, a faithful wife to Nate, and a faithful mother to their three children. In addition to that, Anna is a faithful student of the Bible and is also becoming a faithful teacher of the Bible, just like her mother. 

The thing that I hope you will know about Anna is that she is standing by the cross, drawing near to Jesus. She made a life changing decision, one that would change the trajectory of her life and one that she could have only made by standing by the cross of Jesus. During Anna’s final year of high school, we visited several universities she was considering. I had only two requests: that she visit a couple of Christian universities and that she go wherever God sent her. She did both of those, and I am grateful for her faithfulness. 

However, if I had realized what the result of my request was going to me, then I would have probably reconsidered. At some point in her senior year, she asked Gina and I to read a book entitled Mistaken Identity.  It is the story of two students at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana and the tragedies their families had to endure. I will not spoil the story by telling the ending, but instead encourage you to pick up the book.

Anna shared with us how the staff at Taylor University ministered to the families, the students, and to the community in the face of this tragedy. Then came the request, “Dad, can we visit Taylor?” Here was the problem, Taylor was nearly 10 hours away and almost 550 miles from where we lived. Regardless, we all sensed God was up to something special and so we made the trip. Anna applied to the school and was accepted. Many encouraged us to not allow her to go so far away. In fact, a well meaning loved one warned us that she might get there, meet someone from the midwest and never return to our area. Now, if I am honest with you, I felt that same concern. Keep in mind, this is my little girl - my Anna. 

However, before long she was off to Taylor where she didn’t know one soul. And that courageous decision altered her life for the glory of God and for her good. With much anxiety, heartache, excitement, and anticipation Anna left for Taylor. And, for the most part, Anna has lived in the Midwest ever since. She met a godly, kind, and loving man named Nate Wilson. Nate’s attention was captured by this little southern belle. After her graduation, they married, moved to South Bend, Indiana where Nate works. Today they have three children and faithfully serve God in their church and in their community. 

Tate (3), Anna, Ellie (4), Manning (6), Nate

Anna made a faith-filled, courageous decision to follow Christ. It was a decision that would take her across the country and change her life forever. Actually, she was making a decision to stand by the cross of Jesus. 

Following Jesus includes not just being faithful with what we know, it means being faithful with what God has for us, even that which we don’t know. In Luke 14:26 - 27 the Bible gives us the cost of following Christ, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.” Simply put, Jesus wants our “all.” Following Christ means following Jesus anytime, any place, at any cost. And that is exactly what Anna did; she made a decision to say “yes” to Jesus, not only for her eternal life, but also for her everyday life.

Today, Anna is standing near the cross. She, Nate, and our grandchildren live in South Bend, Indiana. They are active in their church where Anna leads Bible studies, teaches children, ministers to her friends, homeschools her own children, teaches fitness classes, and walks daily in the Spirit.

Standing by the cross could mean for you going to a new place, following God to a new city, giving more than you ever thought you would give, or staying where you are when everyone you know is moving away. Please know that this decision God is calling you to do may be difficult and challenging, but let me assure you, it will forever change the trajectory of your life. And it will do so for God’s glory and your good. Trust Him today by doing what Anna did, say “Yes Lord!”


Standing Near the Cross: Caryl Easterday Smith


Standing Near the Cross: Kaitlin Patterson Smith