Christmas is for Everyone - So Let’s Go and Tell!

Luke 2:15-18

When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, ‘Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.’ So they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child. And all who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds.

For the last few weeks, we have been considering the truth that Christmas is for everyone. And we have looked to the genealogy of Jesus found in Matthew 1 to show us this truth. John 3:16 - 18 tells us this truth so very clearly…Jesus came for this world, for everyone in it. I hope you believe that truth. But I also hope it is more than a fact to you, I hope it is a passion for you, a mission for you and a calling for you.

I suppose the first evangelists of this good news message were the shepherds. In Luke 2:17 the Bible says of the shepherds, “When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child.” Having witnessed God with us, having come face to face with the living Lord Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, these shepherds made known to everyone all they had seen! In modern day terminology, they became witnesses of what they had seen. Or we might say it another biblical way, having seen Jesus, they became ambassadors of God. However you want to put it, the truth is the shepherds are examples for us of our responsibility… to tell others what we have seen.

It reminds me of the words to the song My Jesus by Anne Wilson. 

Are you past the point of weary?

Is your burden weighin' heavy?

Is it all too much to carry?

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

Do you feel that empty feeling?

'Cause shame's done all its stealin'

And you're desperate for some healin'

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

He makes a way where there ain't no way

Rises up from an empty grave

Ain't no sinner that He can't save

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

His love is strong and His grace is free

And the good news is I know that He

Can do for you what He's done for me

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

And let my Jesus change your life



Hallelujah, Amen, Amen

Who can wipe away the tears

From broken dreams and wasted years

And tell the past to disappear? Oh

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

And all the wrong turns that you would

Go and undo if you could

Who can work it all for your good

Let me tell you about my Jesus

He makes a way where there ain't no way

Rises up from an empty grave

Ain't no sinner that He can't save

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

His love is strong and His grace is free

And the good news is I know that He

Can do for you what He's done for me

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

And let my Jesus change your life



Hallelujah, Amen, Amen

Who would take my cross to Calvary?

Pay the price for all my guilty?

Who would care that much about me?

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus, oh

He makes a way where there ain't no way

Rises up from an empty grave

Ain't no sinner that He can't save

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

His love is strong and His grace is free

And the good news is I know that He

Can do for you what He's done for me

Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus

And let my Jesus change your life

I really think this says it all. Let’s get busy; there is a hurting world that needs to know that Jesus loves them. We can follow the example of the shepherds. 

I challenge you to make 2023 the year you take the gospel message with you to your family, friends, neighbors and make known to them what you know in your heart to be true! Before we go today, I encourage you to take a few minutes and write down a list of people that you know that need the gospel message. For us to follow the example of the shepherds, it will take intentional effort and planning. So will you begin a list of people you know that are likely lost and need to hear about the grace, mercy and love of Jesus. Make this list and then pray for opportunities to share the good news with them. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His only son to save us from our sins!! What a blessing and what a responsibility. 

Beginning next week, I'll be sharing a new blog series that will kickoff 2023 called “Take A Good Look.”  Until then, continue to enjoy the beauty of the Christmas season.  I’d love to hear about any encounters with sharing Jesus you might experience this week!


Take A Good Look - Looking Unto Jesus


Christmas is for Everyone - Even the Whole World!