Christmas is for Everyone - Even the Whole World!

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.

This is perhaps the most recognized scripture verse among Christians all over the world. In fact, for many people, it is the first Bible verse memorized. The simple message of this verse will capture the attention of children and the complexity of this verse will confound the most brilliant theologian. Just think about the message of this verse, God loved so God gave! And the result is eternal salvation for all who believe. What an incredible truth!

There is a word in this verse for us to consider today. It is the word, “world.” “For God so loved the world…” I remember that one of my professors in seminary years ago told us that some people interpret that world to mean only a few. He didn’t believe that interpretation then, and I don’t believe it now! The meaning of the world is just as it is… the whole world! God loves the world, and it is for the whole world that Jesus gave His life. It is for the whole world that Jesus died, was buried and was raised victorious. Let me say it this way - Jesus loved every person in human history and gave His life for every person in human history.

In Matthew 1:17, the Bible says “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; from David to the deportation to Babylon, fourteen generations; and from the deportation to Babylon to the Messiah, fourteen generations.” Over the last few weeks, if you have been reading this blog, then you know that we have been talking about the fact that Christmas is for everyone. This scripture in the genealogy of Jesus is another passage declaring the wonderful truth that Christmas is for everyone. 

Yes, Christmas is for good people; Jesus loves good people. Christmas is for godless people, even the most pagan of all. And Christmas is for great people, even the most prominent and renowned people of human history. The simple way to describe it is that Christmas is for all generations. 

This passage in Matthew 1:17 takes the lineage of Jesus all the way back to Abraham. That is 42 generations of people and everyone of those looked forward to the coming of the Messiah. All of those generations of people needed a savior and every generation that followed needed a savior. Every person in human history, every man, every woman, every child, every adult, every generation and every nationality have needed Christmas. Why is that true? For this reason - every person of every generation is a sinner and in need of a savior. 

There is a great truth here for us to grasp. There really is only one kind of person - sinful. We all share the genes of Adam, therefore, we all are sinners in need of salvation, and that is where Christmas comes in. Christmas is God taking on human flesh; Christmas is Emmanuel, God with us. We in humanity could not do something for ourselves; we could never adequately pay the price of sin. According to Romans 6:23, we are all in debt, the debt of sin. We all are sinners and in need of someone to pay the price. That is exactly what Jesus did. He paid the cost of sin for us. And then He offered that forgiveness to all of us who would receive it. 

Yes, every generation past, the generation current and every generation to follow shared something in common, we all need a savior. So Christmas is for every person!!!

In just a few days there will be people all over the world celebrating Christmas. Some will truly know and understand the meaning of Christmas, God with us. Some will not understand and it is our responsibility to take the Christmas message to them! 

As you enjoy Christmas in a few days, remember that God so loved the world, all of the world. And it is our joy and blessing to share that joy with everyone!

I pray you will be blessed this Christmas as you celebrate Jesus, God taking on human flesh. 

Merry Christmas from David and Gina.


Christmas is for Everyone - So Let’s Go and Tell!


Christmas is for Everyone - Even the Godless People