Caught in the World’s Trap Part 2

I John 2:16

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.

If you had a chance to read last week’s blog then you might remember that we talked about a man by the name of Demas. He was a former ministry companion of the Apostle Paul who, because of his love for the world, got caught in the trap of the world and left Paul and the work of God. 

That is what happens when we compromise our Christian faith and try to combine it with a love for the world. And the Bible warns us of the consequences of loving the world. “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” These words are strong and convicting and should be a warning to us as Christ-followers. The power of the world and the ruler of the world, Satan, is quite real and when we start loving the world and its system of evil, we find ourselves on a collision course with culture. The root of it comes down to loving this world.

That brings us to a question. What does “loving the world” look like? Here are three warnings from I John 2:16.

Lust of the Flesh

We are born with a sinful nature. Sometimes you might hear this referred to as the “old nature.” This is the nature we are born with and the nature that dictates our daily life apart from God. This nature doesn’t follow God.  It seeks its own selfish way and craves, or lusts, for that which is evil. It has no regard for the will of God. When we find ourselves loving this world, we are living in submission to our old fleshly nature. In Galatians 5:19ff we find some of the characteristics of the flesh. They include things such as immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, factions, envy, disputes and more. When we love the world, we find ourselves sympathizing and, perhaps, even participating in these. 

Lust of the Eyes

Simply put, we see something we want and we crave it, lust for it, and maneuver and manipulate to get it. It involves sensuality and sexuality, but it also includes things like materialism, money and vanity. 

Boastful Pride of Life

Pride is what is in us that raises its head against God. Pride seeks power, fame and seeks to be the god of our own lives. Pride says, “me, me, me” and says “no” to God.

Having identified these things, we see what happens when we “love this world.”  We give a place to the flesh, a place to lust and a place to pride. And all three of these things demonstrate a life of friendship with the world and enmity with God. Let me put it carefully and clearly. If you are reading this and your life is more characterized by these things, “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life” rather than a deep and abiding love for the Father, please take a few minutes to search your heart. More importantly, ask the Holy Spirit to search you and create in you a disdain for the world.

My heart is heavy when I see that the world and its evil ways have entered the church. There is no doubt that today’s culture has slipped into the church; and what grieves me most is the welcome mat that believers have laid out. I see the world influencing church decisions, worship services, meetings, leadership and even pulpits. My heart is saddened because the church seems to be “loving the world” and promoting that as good.

The church at Corinth had just this problem. It opened the door to worldliness and even embraced it as an act of grace. The Apostle Paul had challenging words for this Corinthian church and I believe they apply to us today.

Before we go, may I ask you to pray about several things. First, ask God to reveal to you any ways you have been “loving the world.” Turn from those things, confess them and purpose to love God wholly. Second, pray for your pastor. The world is tempting him, challenging him and warring against him. Pray for him to be bold, courageous, and faithful to God’s Word. Lastly, live the life of faith. Our faith, our belief in Jesus Christ, is the answer to the vain philosophies of this world. Stand strong in your faith.

Rest assured I am praying for you to watch out for and avoid falling into the trap of the world.


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Caught in the World’s Trap