Caught in the World’s Trap

II Timothy 4:9 - 10

Make every effort to come to me soon; for Demas, having loved this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica.

The last chapter of II Timothy contains some very insightful words for us. For example, every pastor’s charge for ministry is found in vs. 2, “preach the word.” Another example is found in vs. 5 where the Apostle Paul writes to Timothy, “be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” One final example is found in the last verse, vs. 22, “The Lord be with your spirit.” 

In vs. 9 - 18 we find a very transparent Apostle Paul, nearing the end of his life, writing some personal words to Timothy. In vs. 9 he is urging Timothy to come and visit him as quickly as possible. And then we come to vs.10 where we find an update on the status of Paul’s ministry companions. There we find the phrase, “for Demas, having love this present world, has deserted me.”

The collision course of the Christ-life and culture clearly has casualties. And Demas was one of those casualties. According to God’s Word, Demas loved the world and was caught in the compromise that loving the world brings. Just a reminder, the world that scripture is talking about is not the physical world of trees, plants, stars or nature. The world is a system of evil that opposes the things of God. We live in a culture that opposes God, opposes Godly things, and values evil. This world is dark, sinful and rebellious against the things of God. This world sets itself up to be against anything of God including the truth of the Bible, the saving life of Jesus and reality of sinful mankind.

But there is something about this world we need to know. We need to know that culture disguises itself as good and appealing. Satan, the ruler of this world, doesn’t show us the heartache and heartbreak that comes with embracing this world.  And when we embrace the world’s ideas, philosophies, and view of life, we can find ourselves trapped in death. Proverbs 16:25 says it this way, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” 

That is what happened to Demas. He loved this present world, and because of that fact, he left the work of God to live closer to the world. He was trapped in the deceptive beauty, and deceit of this world. 

Every time I read those words in II Timothy 4:10, “having loved this present world, has deserted me,” my heart breaks. Why? It is because I can think of countless people along my journey in ministry, both pastors and church members, who loved the world, and as a result were caught in the trap of it’s allure. They drifted from the church, their lives were caught in worldliness and soon they were trapped in the bondage of sin. 

That is why the Bible warns us in I John 2:15, “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” These words are very strong and should be a warning to us. The power of the world and the ruler of the world is quite real and many people find themselves right in the middle of the collision with the Christ-life and culture.  And the root of it all is loving the world. 

Before we end today, there is something we as Christ-followers need to remember. According to I John 2:17, this “world is passing away.” When we find ourselves getting too close to the world,  caught in the allurement of culture and  befriending culture and it’s values, remember, it’s destiny is settled. God has already pronounced judgment on this world and it is passing away. 

This is such an important subject that next week we will continue thinking about the trap of the world. If you have some time this week, read I John 2; it has much to say to us about this trap.

Many of you respond either by email or respond on social media to these posts, and for that I am thankful. I am praying you will run as far away from the world as you can to remain free from its trap. Pass this along to a friend this week and encourage them to follow on social media. 


Caught in the World’s Trap Part 2


You Are Light