The Hatred of the World
John 7:7
“The world cannot hate you but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil.”
Several years ago, Gina and I were attending a church conference in Phoenix, AZ when I heard something that completely shocked me. One of the speakers at the conference was encouraging us to be intentional about sharing our faith, as well as to come alongside the church planting organization he was leading. Then the speaker made a particular comment that stunned me. He said that the United States was now the 4th most unreached country in the world with the gospel.
I was shocked. The idea that the United States, founded on Biblical principles and entrenched with a strong history of God at work, has now become one of the most unreached countries in our world was overwhelming to me. That was over ten years ago and today, I believe it is true. The lostness of the world is evident.
And one of those evidences is the hostility that culture has against Christians. What do I mean by culture? I mean the world in which we live. The word “world” is used over 200 times in the Bible, and we must be careful to understand the meaning of the word. The word “world” can have different meanings in Scripture. For example, it can mean the physical world that includes the planets that God created. But it has other meanings as well.
For the purpose of this article, when I refer to the “world,” I am referring to a mindset which is hostile to God and His church. This world is made up of philosophies that despise the Gospel of Jesus. This world hates Jesus, good news of salvation and anything that is God-honoring. This is what I mean when I refer to “today’s culture.” Culture and the worldview of the Christ-life stand completely opposed of one another.
We all love to look back and remember the “good ole days.” And sometimes, we often see the world then as better than it actually was. I am not so sure that my “good ole days” were that good. I suspect there were things going on I just didn’t see. But here is something for which I am sure. In today's world, today’s culture, being a Christ-follower is not regarded as a noble thing. We have become the target of the culture’s hatred, and we have become the ones culture would like to rid itself of.
However, this is nothing new. In fact, the world hated Jesus and that truth came directly from the mouth of Jesus in John 7:7. “The world hates me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil.” Of the 200+ times the world is referenced in our Bibles, nearly 80 of those references are found in the writings of the Apostle John in the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, and the book of Revelation.
In John 7:7, Jesus is having a conversation with his brothers, who were unbelieving. They rejected the idea that Jesus was the Son of God. They were part of the culture that had a different, ungodly way of thinking. And by the way, that is true of lost mankind today. They despise the things of God. They may tolerate a believer’s good deeds and the church in general, but try to talk with a lost person about sin, separation from God, Jesus, or the cross and you will find yourself opposed.
And yet, here we are. Jesus left us here to do His work. So how do we navigate living in a culture that is on a collision course with the ones living the Christ-life? That is what I will be writing about these next few weeks. And most of what we will look at will come from the Gospel of John and the Epistles of John.
For today, let me leave you with one simple truth. You are not alone. Sometimes when culture backs us in a corner, we feel alone and discouraged. This world, this culture, hated Jesus and they will hate you. So, remember, you are in good company!!!
Before I end today, can I give you a little homework? Between now and next week, read the Gospel of John and make a mark in your Bible every time you see the word, “world.” This will help you get ahead for what we will be considering over the next few weeks.