Take A Good Look - Watching and Waiting

Micah 7:7

But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.

For the last few weeks, I have been asking you to take a good look! Today we come to the final installment in this series, and I would like to ask you a very important question. Are you looking for Jesus to return? Are you watching the skies for His return? Are you listening for His trumpet? Are you looking, waiting and watching for Jesus?

I must confess that many of my days are spent battling with stress and anxiety. My “to do” list feels  lengthy and consuming. In fact, I have a weekly routine that I try to follow to help keep life in order. On Fridays, I look back, assessing what was accomplished and what was not. These unfinished items are “moved” to the next week. Then, on Sunday evenings, I look ahead to the next week and all it has in store. My weeks and days are much like yours, busy with all I have before me. 

What is the point? Somedays, I spend so much of my time planning for the here and now that I lose sight of what is coming. And what is coming is so much more important! What is coming is Jesus!!! A regular prayer of mine is that I will stop and take a good look to watch and to wait for His return.

There is a balance to this I admit. On the one hand, we can be so heavenly minded that we miss the opportunities of each day, each week and each person God brings along our path. We can become so focused on Jesus’ return that we miss what He is doing now. On the other hand, there is the temptation to be so earthly focused that we fail to anticipate His return. 

The prophet Micah tells us to “watch expectantly” and to “wait for the God of my salvation.” We are to watch and to wait! But Micah isn’t the only one telling us to watch. In Mark 13:33 the Bible tells us to “Watch out, stay alert; for you do not know when the appointed time is.” We are to be watching for Jesus’ return.

So why are both words used in the book of Micah? Why both “watching” and “waiting?” This is where we find the balance. 

To “watch” means “to set a guard.” It speaks of setting a watch to guard a city from the enemy. It also speaks of setting a guard to watch over the crops before the time of harvest. Does this help clarify the meaning of “watch?” As we anticipate the return of Christ, we are to watch out for distractions, temptations or anything the enemy might use to devour or harm us. 

The idea of “waiting” speaks of anticipation. It has to do with acting at just the right moment. And the only way we find that moment is to wait for it. Can you see how important it is to wait for Jesus’ return with anticipation? We long for His return at just the right moment, the moment of His choosing.

As this series, “Take a Good Look” comes to an end, may I challenge you with a few practical steps. 

Watch With Vigilance

Be watching for how the enemy is working. Clearly, all around us, God is at work and because we see that, it can only be true that the enemy will be working also. So watch out, the enemy is at hand. Guard your mind, guard your heart and guard your flesh. The enemy is lurking in hidden places.

Wait With Joy

Two, be waiting with joyful anticipation for the coming of the Lord. Wait actively; that simply means to wait with hope, with joy and with faith. 

Trust With Thankfulness

Be grateful for the salvation of the Lord. Place your requests before Him, for He cares for you. 

Take a good look as you watch and wait. 

A New Blog Series Begins Next Week - “Revival Fire”

By now you have probably heard about a great moving of the Spirit of God on the campus of Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. I have been praying and hoping to see revival in our nation during my lifetime. Perhaps this is just what we are seeing! I have not been to Asbury University so I only know what I read from others. However, the conversation in the country about revival has many people talking, and it has prompted me to think about the need for a deep move of God in my life, and in the ministries of our churches. Next Thursday, I will begin a new blog series entitled “Revival Fire.” I hope you join me and share the blog with others.


Revival Fire: The First Step - Pray


Take A Good Look - Looking Into the Word