Take a Good Look - Looking Back

Luke 9:62

But Jesus said to him, ‘no one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.

Philippians 3:13

Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead.

The word “look” is found over and over in scripture. Last week, in the new blog series “Take A Good Look,” we focused on looking unto Jesus. But let’s be honest, one reason so many people take their eyes off of Jesus is because they are still looking backwards.

Early in my ministry days, I pastored a church in central Texas in a very small farming community, and I was introduced to row cropping.  

It was mystifying to me, so when one farmer invited me to ride along one day, I jumped at the chance. I had no idea what to expect, but soon I got my first lesson in farming, as well as a lesson in living the Christ-life.

After a few minutes riding, he gave me the opportunity to drive the tractor, and asked me a question, “Do you know your Bible?” I suspected he was about to critique my preaching, but instead, he pointed out what was happening as I kept looking behind me. When I took my eyes off the field ahead of me, and watched what was behind me, the rows I was plowing were crooked.  He then made me aware of Luke 9:62, “But Jesus said to him, ‘no one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.’” That verse came to life to that day. The more I looked behind me, the more I made a mess of what was ahead. 

The same is true in our lives. The more we look back at our past, our failures, our hurts, and our mistakes, the more crooked we make our future.

One day a person approached Jesus with an emotional declaration to follow Him.  Jesus responded explaining the cost of followship, looking at Him and not looking back. There is no such thing as partial followship. Jesus was making it clear that to follow Him as Savior and Lord, we have let go of all that we are and have and totally follow Him. If this is true when we come to Christ, it is also true after we follow Christ. We are not even to live in our past victories. Everyday we are to press onward with Jesus as our focus. 

One of my favorite people in the Old Testament is Caleb. According to Joshua 14, Caleb was a man that “fully followed God.” When the time came for Moses to send out the spies, Caleb brought back a faith report. Even in the face of his fellow Israelites, he was content to be in the minority because he was fully following God. (Numbers 14)  Then, in Joshua 14 and 15 we see Caleb, again, look ahead to God and not behind. He was ready when the time came to press on. And if you will read in the book of Joshua, and even in Judges, you will find how Caleb did not look back but pressed on with God.

Are you held captive by your past? by your sin? Perhaps the devil is using it to shame you. If this is you, please hear me clearly say to you that our Lord Jesus Christ has something wonderful for you. But you will only see it by looking ahead at Jesus. I invite you today, to quit looking back and press on with Jesus. 

If this is you, I would be glad to pray for you personally. Would you reach out to me as david@davidsmithministry.com and let me know how I can pray for you and encourage you.

Blessings to you as you look ahead to Jesus. 


Take A Good Look - Looking Ahead


Take A Good Look - Looking Unto Jesus