Reclaiming Your Personal Health - A View into My Journey
Many years of ministry stress and neglect of my health took a toll on me that was much greater than I realized. Reclaiming my physical health provided a fresh focus and renewed energy for God’s calling on my life.
I will be sharing my testimony of reclaiming my health in a virtual conference breakout session that will be live-streamed on August 25. It’s FREE, but you must register at The Spark Conference website to receive the link. Choose the “attend online” option and follow the prompts to register.
Once you register, you’ll receive information by email about how to view the conference. My testimony will be shown at one of the breakout sessions (I’m not sure if it will be offered at both times, or just one of them on Aug. 25.)
Can’t watch on August 25?
Once you register, you’ll have access to view all the sessions for two weeks after the live-stream at your convenience.
On Monday, August 22, be watching for “bonus blog content” about my health journey, along with some before and after pictures. These are very humbling for me to share, but I am sharing them to encourage any of you who want recapture your physical health. If I can do it - YOU can do it!