Real Joy in Tough Times: Rejoice Always! Really?
I Thessalonians 5:16 - 18
Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Some scripture verses simply confound me. They surprise me and cause me to completely stop in my tracks, sit back, and think. I Thessalonians 5:16 is one of those verses for me. The Bible simply says, “Rejoice always.”
If you know my wife, Gina, you already know she is the eternal optimist. She lives each day filled with excitement, enthusiasm, and optimism. She never seems to have a bad day and on her most challenging days, she meets them with a conquering spirit and a smile. Having been married to her for over 35 years, I can tell you that the joy of the Lord is consistently displayed through her life.
For me, however, it is not that way. If this were a confessional, I would be compelled to confess my tendency toward pessimism. I tend to look at each day from the posture of “How can I make it through the day?” If I were a marathon runner, I think I would be the guy who hit the finish line falling through the tape instead of running through it. Because of this I am grateful, and challenged daily by the infectious life of joy Gina lives.
Go back now to I Thessalonians 5:16, “Rejoice always.” You can see why this passage simply stops me in my tracks. “Rejoice always”? Really? Always? The answer is yes, rejoice always! Since Paul wrote this, It may be helpful to remember some of the circumstances he experienced.
He was illegally arrested in the Temple.
He was mobbed by a crowd of antagonists in Jerusalem.
He was imprisoned in Caesarea for two years.
He had to appear before the Roman ruler, Felix.
He then had to appear before another Roman ruler, Agrippa.
He endured a horrific voyage to Rome.
He was in a massive storm and shipwreck at Malta.
He anticipated the impending trial before Caesar.
If this is not enough, don’t forget that more often than not, Paul would make his way into a city, preach the Gospel of Jesus, and then find himself thrown out of that city, simply for the sake of the Gospel. And yet, Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us to “rejoice always.”
I struggle to respond with joy to life circumstances. The daily struggles of life and unexpected “left turns” often rob me of the joy of the Lord. In Philippians 1:12 - 14 the Bible says,
Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel, so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well known throughout the praetorian guard and to everyone else, and that most of the brothers and sisters, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.
Paul’s “life circumstance” at this moment was imprisonment for preaching the Gospel. And yet, according to Philippians 1:4, he is full of joy! One of the definitions of circumstances in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is “the SUM of essential and environmental factors.” I like that definition. If you and I were to take a deep look into the Apostle Paul’s life, we would have to say that “the SUM of essential and environmental factors” was not ideal. They left much to be desired. Imprisonment, beatings, stonings, ridicule, and so many other circumstances in life could have stolen his joy. Yet Paul tells us to “rejoice always.” In other words, another factor trumps the “SUM of essential and environmental factors in life” - Jesus! Paul could write “rejoice always” because Jesus is GREATER than the “SUM of our essential and environmental factors!”
What circumstances have imprisoned you?
Do you feel imprisoned by your life’s circumstances - “the SUM of essential and environmental factors” in your life? Are you battling a health crisis, relationship conflict, financial setbacks, or family heartache? Do you feel tired, trapped, or overcome with fear, resentment, anger, or guilt?
I have good news for you…and for me! We don’t have to live in this imprisonment! Even in the midst of these “factors” (or maybe even a SUM of these factors if things feel like they are piling up on you), you and I can experience the freedom of joy in Christ! How?
Living in joy begins with an intentional focus.
“...For we are powerless before this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You” 2 Chronicles 20:12b.
“Our eyes are on YOU!” Where are your eyes? Here’s a list of where I find my eyes sometimes and some questions that rattle around in my head.
Focus on the SUM of external circumstances - Why is ALL this happening?
Focus on myself - Why is this happening to me? What did I do or not do? How will I get out of this?
Focus on others - Why did this person betray me? Why did this health crisis happen? Who can I blame?
Focus on the ones I love - How will this affect my family? How can I provide for my family? What will happen to them if my health crisis continues?
Focus on the future - Will these circumstances still be here next month? Next year? How can I rise above them and defeat these circumstances?
Focus on the “to-do list” - What do I have in my wheelhouse that can overcome these circumstances? What do I need to do?
And I could list more focus items and questions - but you get the point.
What I really need to do is to cry out to the Lord: “I don’t know what to do, but my eyes are on You.” And when we focus on the Lord, His promises, His presence, and His provision - we find joy. It’s not natural to have joy in difficult times - it's SUPERNATURAL! It comes from the Lord.
So today, as you face and endure life’s challenging circumstances, remember to look to Jesus for your joy and salvation! These circumstances do not have the final say; that alone belongs to Jesus. And this world is not our home; we are citizens of Heaven!
We have Jesus - Prince of Peace, the Prince of Heaven - available to us right here, right now - as the JOY of our life and salvation. He is the reason to “rejoice always” and our source of that joy!