Help for the Journey
Psalm 121:8
“The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.”
A few years ago, when our children were much younger, Gina and I took our family on a snow skiing trip. We had been once before when the kids were very little, but now that they were a bit older, we decided it was time to go again. So we caught a plane to Denver, rented a car and headed to the ski slopes of Breckenridge.
After spending several days enjoying the downhill slopes, someone suggested that we take a cross country trail. So we took the gondola up the mountain and instead of skiing down the mountain, we decided to go across the mountain. It was painful, difficult and to be quite honest with you, it was not pleasant. In fact, we found our way to another ski lift thinking we could take it up and ski down which would be much easier. Unfortunately, we found out that the gondola was taking us higher on the mountain to another cross country trails.
I will never forget that journey. I stood there at the bottom of that mountain looking up at the top of the mountain wondering how we would ever make it.
As we come to Psalm 121 today, we find that the writer is on a journey. Just before the first verse there is a phrase that says, “A Song of the Ascents.” This is not the only time we find that phrase. In fact, there are a total of 15 Psalms that have this inscription on them. Most scholars believe that these Psalms were sung by Jewish worshippers who, three times a year, would make the journey up the mountains to the city of Jerusalem. During Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles, they would climb the mountain to worship in the city of Jerusalem. So get the image in your mind’s eye. Here were these worshippers, headed for Jerusalem, but first they had to face the journey of the mountain. Notice vs. 1, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills- from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord.”
These journeys were pilgrimages of renewal and revival. But long before they could experience the renewing and reviving power of God, they had to face the mountain.
Are you on a journey? Are you standing in front of a mountain, knowing you have to make the journey to be renewed, knowing that for your soul to experience the renewing winds of revival you have to make the climb? And you know it will be difficult?
Are you facing a mountain of broken relationships?
Are you at the bottom of a mountain of financial difficulty, and it seems mammoth in your eyes?
Is your mountain the death of someone dear to you? And now you must face the mountain alone.
Are you facing the mountain of disappointment? Maybe the loss of a dream you had hoped for, worked hard for, and now it appears gone?
Regardless of what your mountain looks like, God will be your helper! And that is exactly what Psalm 121 teaches us. We know that God will help us because of several truths that are right here in Psalm 121.
The Help of His Creating and Sustaining Power
In vs. 2 - 4 of this Psalm, we are reminded that God is the creator of all things. All things exist because God created them. Sometimes the journey of life seems impossible and the obstacles in our way seem insurmountable. But remember, with God all things are possible! The very same power that God brought to creation itself, He brings to us in the journey of life. But He is not only the creator, He is also the sustainer. That simply means that not only does God have the power to create all things, He also has the power to keep and sustain all things. Your journey today may be difficult and your burden may be heavy, but God is able to sustain you. You have the help of His creating and sustaining power.
The Help of His Protecting and Preserving Power
In vs. 5 the Bible says, “The LORD is your keeper.” Sometimes along the journey we feel like we have lost our way. We get distracted and the path ahead seems dark and unknown. But God is our keeper. He keeps us by protecting and preserving us. Psalm 121:7 says, “The LORD will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul.” The idea of protection means that God stands guard over us watching us, looking out over us for our safety. In fact, He stands guard so well, that according to vs. 4, He doesn’t even sleep. But not only does He protect us, He preserves us. The end of vs. 7 says, “He will keep your soul.” The word “keep” means “to preserve.” The idea is that God will maintain our footing and support our standing. We have the help of His protecting and preserving power.
The Help of His Daily and Eternal Power
Psalm 121:8 says, “The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.” The promise is so exhaustive that it applies to today and forever. There is never a time God does not offer His help with the journey of life. He journeys along with us on the good days, the challenging days, the hopeful days and the disastrous days. He will never leave us or forsake us.
With all that in mind, what should we do as we journey on? The first verse gives us the answer, “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come.” We should look up to God alone for help. We are to cast our gaze toward God Himself. He is our help!
Regardless of what help you need today, look upward to Him for His power!