Breaking Cycles of Unbelief: YOUR STORY
It has always been a goal of mine to write out Dad’s story. Over the years his story has inspired and encouraged so many people along their journeys.
Truthfully, I have wanted to share it for several reasons.
To give God glory and praise. Colossians 3:17 says, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” I hope and pray Jesus is getting glory from what is written about Dad’s life.
Also, to honor Mom and Dad in making the decisions to break the cycle of unbelief and live the faith life. Dad’s life was so unusual and Mom made a conscious decision to marry him, even in the uncertainty of what would be ahead. And in their obedience, God blessed them! Thank you Jesus.
But also, I’ve recorded these stories publicly to inspire you to write your faith story. You have a faith story as well, and someone needs to hear it and, perhaps, read it.
My Story
Not long before Dad retired, the pastor at our church asked him to preach one Sunday morning. By this time, Dad’s physical strength was weak, yet the staff at the church made adjustments for him to sit on a stool and preach the Word of God. I was a young teenager at the time and remember what a huge ordeal it was for him. In many ways, God was redeeming the call He had put on Dad’s life as a young adult. It was fulfilling, and even became the launching pad for Dad to preach weekly to an Indian congregation that needed a pastor.
Now you may be wondering why I would take the time to share with you. Here is why. It was this key event, key place and key person that God used in my life when He called me to ministry. I trusted Jesus for salvation when I was a young child. And I answered the call of God when I was 15 years old. It was just about this time I heard Dad preach and sensed the Holy Spirit move in my own heart.
Dad passed along to me a generational faith and it was in that same room, just about a year or so later, that I preached my first message. I was 16 years old and still today, I love how God moved and continues to move in my life. God is still writing my faith story, He is still calling me to walk by faith and along this journey, He is writing my story of His amazing grace.
A Biblical Example
Joshua 24:14 - 15
“Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
The book of Joshua is one of my favorite books in the Bible. I love the story of the children of Israel’s conquests to reach and inhabit the Promised Land. The faithfulness of Joshua and Caleb encourage me. These verses represent the final challenge Joshua made to God's people. But just prior to these verses, we find something very important. In vs. 1 Joshua gathers the people of God together with a message from the Lord. What follows in vs. 2 - 13 is God speaking to the children of Israel through Joshua. Here is an interesting note about these verses. I count 16 different times that God reminded His people of His faithfulness to them.
God wanted them to know they had a faith story, a story of how He had been faithful to them, even when at times they were not so faithful to Him.
Dad experienced this in his life, I see it in my life and I suspect you can see it in your life as well. So - would you consider writing your faith story? Here are a few key ideas to help you get started.
Identify Key People
Who are some of the key people that God used to bring you to faith in Christ? Was it family members or friends? Was it a Sunday School teacher or a pastor? Who were the people that God used to first draw you to Himself?
Recognize Key Events and Places
What was happening when you came to Christ? What was your general age? No, you don’t have to know a specific time and place, but what are some of the key events and places that you remember? Maybe it was a camp, a song or a specific place. And what are some of the other key places and events that took you deeper in your faith? What is it that drove you to a greater sense of faithfulness to Jesus?
Describe Life-Altering Decisions
What key verses of scripture did God use to draw you to faith in Christ? And what passages have drawn you to a deeper faith in Christ today? Were you faced with any key life decisions that God used to draw your attention to Jesus?
Acknowledge the “Only God Could Have” Events
As you have grown in your faith, how have you seen God move in ways that only He could have moved? What are some of the events in your life that God has worked to draw you to a deep walk of faith?
Record It to Remember It
I encourage you to begin writing today. In fact, I encourage you to start a daily journal of faith to record both your prayers and your answers to prayers. I have been journaling now for several years and it always blesses me to look back and see prayers I prayed, and how God moved in those circumstances. It also helps my thought process and my clarity of circumstances and God’s promises to actually write out my feelings and thoughts, and the truths God is speaking. Begin journaling today and be sure to record the date of each entry so you will be able to remember when you wrote about how God was at work in your life.
Use “God Did It” Language
And I have one final encouragement for you about your story. Use language about how God moved - language such as “God said,” “God did,” “God moved.” Write your story looking for the “God did it” rather than the “I did it.”
Would You Share Your Story with Me?
If you have read this far, I thank you for sticking with me to the end of the story! I pray that you have been encouraged and the Lord has been honored as we’ve tackled the concept of breaking the cycle of generational unbelief.
And one final thing - I would LOVE to read your story once you have it written! Please reach out to me at with your story, or any questions or thoughts you have about breaking the cycle of unbelief. I’d love to hear from you!
I hope you will come back next week as I start a new blog series that, I believe, will encourage your faith.